Thursday, June 2, 2011

Andrea Says: Paul and Mike round 4

People have some good ideas on what Paul and Mike are thinking. Now it is time for another picture:


  1. Mike: This would be so much cooler on land.

    Paul: If only we were old enough for bikes....

  2. Wow, I look pretty unimpressed by the ocean, even then.

  3. Paul: That Jaws shark wasn't real right?

    Mike: How am I ever going to be able to hang ten with these puny waves.

  4. I'm glad you guys found some time to fit some surfing in while you're on the west coast

  5. Ahhh Mike... I think we need to be in deeper water for this to be fun.
    Yeah Paul, this is pretty lame.

  6. Paul: do you think when we get bigger someone will find this picture and post it on a blog?

    Mike: Who would do such a thing? What's a blog?
