Thursday, June 2, 2011

San Francisco: One Hilly Place

The video below demonstrates how hilly San Francisco is. This isn't the hilliest part, but it's typical. And it's hillier than it looks! You can see it when we cross an intersection and it levels out.
Sorry about the angle of the camera. The mount isn't holding up that great. Just think of it as a Dutch tilt.

See those rails and grooves in the road? Bad news for bikes. They don't make me happy.

Have you heard of Lombard Street? Me neither, until I got here. It's supposed to be the crookedest street in the world, but that is apparently contested. Well, it looked so nice, Paul and I both rode down it. The cobble stones were a classy touch, San Francisco.

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  1. Have you two not heard a word from me on my many journeys to SF? Hills galore! At least you're on bikes. I'm typically on foot.

    Lombard - fun to drive in a car, or to walk down - how was it on bikes? (In terms of the curvy)

  2. The bike sounds like a power wheel

  3. Yeah, it really does sound like a Powe Wheel. That's cause I'm just rolling down hill in first gear and the engine's not doing much.
