Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mike & Paul Revealed: Fantastic Four-way Tie

The battle of Partisan Rock II: This time with more Partisan, went well. As many of you now know – Paul and Mike not only pushed back the communist threat, but also saved humanity from the rapture. I’d detail more, but Paul is currently in talks George Lucas to create a six episode arc of his adventure from small child living next door to Mike, to this very post. Stay tuned for more details and potentially unnecessary CG later.

Now back to the adventure. After days of heat, desert and cycle trouble the boys finally made their way to California. (Please always read the name of the state the way Arnold says it.) While looking for a comfortable spot to camp for the night Mike saw a sign that says “Free music: boy band open mic night” at a local cantina. Well, if there are two things Mike loves, its free cantina music and the styling of Lance Bass. However, to his shock and dismay, he encountered a very odd site. Deep within the bar on stage was a very hairy band calling themselves “The ‘Wok of Life.” Hoping it was a Bruce Springsteen cover band he approached the stage. What he found was reprehensible. A band of Ewoks.

Mike shouted the Ewokian battle cry (a series of grunts, chirps, purrs and arm waves) and it, was, on… The fury offenders fled out the back door and Mike and Paul were in pursuit. As Mike and Paul entered the back door another closed. They looked around and noticed they were trapped in a chain link dome…a Thunderdome. The walls were covered with cheering Ewoks looking for battle.

Armed with chainsaws, axes and bats that were conveniently located on the walls, Mike and Paul were able to quickly dispatch their attackers armed with tiny, wooden weapons. I won’t go into detail, but perhaps you’ve noticed that both Mike and Paul now wear bandanas and fury facewarmers…

That night the boys slept the sleep of the victorious. As they awoke in San Francisco they looked around at what they first thought was hale…as they looked closer it was snow. Snow that fell then returned to the sky and fell again. Could it be…are they in a snow globe?? AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Mike and Paul both awoke in a cold sweat. Was this all a dream? No time to find out as their next mission had begun. The Phoenix Foundation had tracked them down and provided them the exact location of Johnny 5. The Number 5 Robot was hiding on Alcatraz with 15 rockets of deadly V.X. gas. The foundation would be sending Paul and Mike into “The Rock” with an elite SEAL team. Unfortunately for you…this is a story for another day.

Good luck boys, we’re all counting on you.


  1. I love Bruce, he is my music husband.

  2. You secretly wish you were Courtney Cox dancing with him in that video don't you...

  3. Matt... You missed your calling! Not sure if it would be as comedian or author or perhaps a comedathor

  4. Mrs Briggs you have made my day! Comedathor will always be the dream.
