Monday, May 2, 2011

Andrea Says: Mike's biggest fan

Mike got a note from his second cousin Zoe this morning. Something tells me she thinks he is awesome! 


  1. I got an email from Brandon (Zoe's dad)who said that Zoe absolutely LOVED Mike and insisted that he help tuck her in. It was cute.

  2. Mike said the same thing on the phone last night. He said she is adorable and I would just love her. He added that she showed off her ballet moves and cheers. I think he is a zoe super fan.

  3. Zoe's Nana said...(Mike's Auntie Laurie) -

    Brandon sent a very cute pic of Zoe and Michael on his motorcycle. She's definitely enamored with you, Michael!!

    Sounds like in short time you've already had some interesting adventures!! Love being able to keep up with you!
