Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mike & Paul Revealed: Choose Your Own Adventure

Well, Mike and Paul are making great time on this adventure and as such, it is putting a serious cramp on my creative writing. We’ve had references to The Simpsons, Witness, Red Dawn, Rocky, Home Alone, Top Gun, Bad Boys, Twins, and to be honest – I think we’ve had some fun along the way.

But what’s next? Well my democratic loving friends, that is up to you to decide. That’s right. We’re going with the classic choose your own adventure route. Up next Mike & Paul will :

  1. Find a post-apocalyptic “ThunderDome” in New Mexico;
  2. Head to California to form a boy band called “Dudez-a-Plenti”;
  3. Discover Ewoks in Arizona and then hunt them for sport; or,
  4. Find out this was all just a dream. They are actually living in a snow globe.

With great power comes great responsibility…choose wisely.


  1. D... Definitely D
    That just cracks me up. Although with the snow globe scenario, the story is over. Unless you reference Darla from Nemo and Paul & Mike are given to her as a gift!

  2. Dudez-a-plenti, please.


  3. A: Thunderdome. For Sure.

    Four-way tie?
