Thursday, May 19, 2011

Photo Bomb!

Whew! Here are a bunch of photos I haven't put up yet from the last few days or so.

Salt Lick in Driftwood Texas had some of the best BBQ I've ever had! Thanks for the tip, Ciri!

Texas was a lot nicer than I thought it would be.

A rare treat: a camp site with electricity and WiFi.

Not far from the Mexican border.

Paul and I use our backup fuel cans to make it across a stretch of Texas.

Welcome to New Mexico. Notice anything strange here? 86 octane and the thin air here make my bike act like a cranky baby. I've been using 88 when I can, but sometimes you don't get the choice.

Of course New Mexico is also home of Roswell, the infamous UFO crash site.

...And delicious Mexican food.

That's all for now. I'm beat and have to get to bed. There's more to come!


  1. Salt Lick is by far one of my favorite places in TX. Oh, and a campsite with WiFi? You've officially been to the end of the Internet and back.

  2. Seriously, I'm getting hungry just looking at the photo of that Salt Lick! So glad you were able to try it!
